All-round Translation - All-round Translations
Here at All-round Translations, we realise that companies within the importation and exportation industry have three main requirements that need to be met if they are to obtain success with regard to their use of professional translations:
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With the boom of globalisation in the last 20 years, largely thanks to the internet and digital-channels of communication, we have seen e-commerce take on a new importance in global trade and indeed, in some cases become the single major source of revenue for thousands of online companies.
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All-round Translations, a new international business venture has established a Bristol office here in the Clifton Triangle. The Swiss owned company offers translation services for all types of translation work both online and off, in any language.
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In March 2012, the Oxford English Dictionary (OED) announced new words to be included in its latest edition. With trepidation and often amusement these new words that have infiltrated our popular culture are now raised to dictionary status.
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The 25 Disappearing Mother Tongues About 6,000 different languages are spoken around the world. But the Foundation for Endangered Languages estimates that between 500 and 1,000 of those are spoken by only a handful of people. And every year the world loses around 25 mother tongues...
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Say YES To Expansion With the increasing need to do business with countries and companies that speak different languages to your first language, the question will arise whether to develop an in-house translation department or to hire external professional translation services...
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